Hi all,

using Axis 1.2
I'm trying to implement my own service:

public interface MyService {
    public org.w3c.dom.Document listObjects(java.util.Map parameters);

Sadly, the generated code (java2wsdl and then wsdl2java) is generating this interface:

public interface MyService extends java.rmi.Remote {
public org.w3c.dom.Document listObjects(java.util.HashMap in0) throws java.rmi.RemoteException;

Note the difference: Map and HashMap in the method signatures.

Why is it using HashMap instead of Map?

To solve this, i tried to implement my own GeneratorFactory, but failed to find the location where the mapping is resolved. I also found out that there are <typeMapping> elements - but where do I have to add them, since the WSDL file is regenerated on each build.

So, I hope someone can tell me where I can tell Axis' wsdl2java to use Map instead of HashMap.


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