Hello everybody

Excuse me! I haven't search enough in the maillist.

I found the solution in this thread
[Re: How NOT to generate empty elements is soap message?]
and create me a new axis.jar!

But I'm always unhappy with this solution.

Maybe the axis-developers can make this configurable
with setting a property in the version 1.3.

Where else can I place this request?

best regards

Alexander Mischur wrote:
Hello everybody,

I had problems with NULL values of parameters.

My Client sent always this:

   <callid xsi:nil="true"/>

but the webservice i called, wants this if the callid is null:


So, the tag callid musst not be sent.

I've generated the stub with wsdl2java from the wsdl.

I'll set this code in the method:

_call.setProperty(org.apache.axis.client.Call.SEND_TYPE_ATTR, Boolean.FALSE);
_call.setProperty(org.apache.axis.AxisEngine.PROP_SEND_XSI, Boolean.FALSE);

So, please help me, because i don't know the attribute which i had to set or which combination of attributes.



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