
it works fine for me. My setup is

tomcat 5

axis 1.2RC3

windows 2000

java version "1.5.0_01"

0. I copied the axis directory into my tomcat webapps 


1. It contains an already deployed webservice 

  Version with getVersion that has no input but returns

  a string. It's an rpc/encoded webservice. 

2. I have attachmented my client.

 --- On Wed 05/11, Plorks mail < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

From: Plorks mail [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: axis-user@ws.apache.org

Date: Wed, 11 May 2005 10:42:14 +0000

Subject: calling web service method errors on call.invoke

<br><br>Dear All<br><br>I'm tring to call a method from a web service that 
doesn't accept parameters<br><br>So i have this, but it errors on this line 
String result = <br>(String)call.invoke(new Object[]{});<br><br>Please can 
someone tell me where i'm going wrong<br><br>Many Thanks<br><br>try<br>{<br>URL 
endpoint = new 
URL("http://localhost:6822/Test/services/extService";);<br>Service service = new 
Service();<br>Call call = 
 element = new SOAPHeaderElement("", 
 result = (String)call.invoke(new 
Object[]{});<br>//call.invoke();<br><br>System.out.println("result is " 
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Attachment: Client.java
Description: java/

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