Build the wrapper class.

On 5/29/05, Chandu Koppella <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> HI
> Here is my situation please advice me how to go about it...
> I have to expose EJB as a webservices...That EJB is already packed in jar
> file it has nearly 20 methods or so and the application server that i need
> to use is weblogic....The problem is many of the methods return
> java.util.Map and java.util.Collection...and the contents of the all the
> Maps are not of the same type all the time i mean if Method1 returns Map
> whose key is String and Values is user defined data type (for instance
> dataType1)...Method2 also returns a Map whose key is a String and values is
> another User Defined data type(for instance dataType2)..
> I tried with weblogic servicegen and WSEE 109 manually building it but that
> did not work out....Right now my idea is to write wrapper class which has
> all the 20 methods but return user defined data type(which i have to
> write).Internally each method will be calling the corresponding method in
> EJB..If this is the case for each method i have to create different User
> defined data type....Is this feasible or is there better way of doing it....
> Thanks for sparing some time to go through my problem
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