Hi Everyone,

  I'm using Axis 1.2RC2 together with tomcat5 and have been going through the 
installation instructions.
  I have validated my Axis install with happyaxis and the "Test a SOAP 
Endpoint" service runs with the following output
>  Apache Axis version: 1.2RC2 Built on Nov 16, 2004 (12:19:44 EST)

  However, the "Test a JWS Endpoint" produces some errors 

  Can anyone provide some tips to solving this problem?
  Kind Regards, Dave

>AXIS error
>Sorry, something seems to have gone wrong... here are the details:
>Fault - ; nested exception is: .
>/var/lib/tomcat5/webapps/axis/WEB-INF/jwsClasses/EchoHeaders.java (No such 
>file or directory)
> faultCode: {http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/}Server.userException
> faultSubcode: 
> faultString: java.io.FileNotFoundException: 
> /var/lib/tomcat5/webapps/axis/WEB-INF/jwsClasses/EchoHeaders.java (No such 
> file or directory)
> faultActor: 
> faultNode: 
> faultDetail: 


Dr Dave Kant
CCLRC eScience Department               Phone: (+44)|(0) 1235 778178
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory  Fax:    (+44)|(0) 1235 446626
Chilton, Didcot, Oxon, OX11 0QX, UK     Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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