A (hopefully short) two cents:

1) Usually, I prefer to propagate exceptions rather than error codes.
Exceptions really can make application flow simpler. I agree that
'cooking' the exception is good: the topmost layer that has an
additional useful detail should add it; also, it's often nice to wrap an
exception to provide a consitant interface (wrap an SQLException in a
FooSubsystemException so different implementations can use a database, a
file system, etc.) Error codes are good when the alternate behaviour
isn't really 'exceptional' -- happens, say, 30+% of the time anyway.
2) That said, when passing exceptions -- particularly chained ones --
over a remote interface you want to create an exception class
specifically for the interface and only give it basic types as fields --
no chained exceptions here. This is because you don't want to have all
the server exceptions in the client jar. Axis handles this somewhat
gracefully (you get a null): RMI throws it's own exception if a class
isn't available upon deserialization. This lets the client recognise a
server fault, get some information back about it and decide what to do.

Hope that was helpful :)


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2005 8:41 AM
To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
Subject: Re: web service error handling design issue

Life is never that simple, James! Academics are prone to produce bland
generalizations and are notorious for being out of touch with reality,
though I suspect that this is due to a few loonies giving the rest a bad
name! Clearly, most academics do a great deal of invaluable work for
which they have my deepest gratitude.

I once heard that a university professor who claimed that it wasn't
possible to write more than 10 lines of fully debugged code per day.
I've been developing software for 25 years and if my output was anything
like that I'd have gone broke years ago! Only a few months ago at a Java
Users Group meeting I overheard an academic stating with conviction that
"If you have to use a case statement then you didn't do your OOD
properly." -- yeah, right...cretin.

To answer your question: in any software system, at any point between
where an error occurs and where the outer-most calling code needs to
know about the error, it is potentially appropriate to cook the error.
In many circumstances it is inappropriate for calling code to know the
simple, raw reason why an error occurs. For example, suppose that during
some web service method call a required file was discovered to be absent
from its expected location on a disk. Should you tell the web service
client about this? Most likely not, because that piece of information is
unlikely to be meaningful to the client. Instead, code much closer to
error needs to figure out the consequences and throw an interpretation
up the chain where other code might be able to do something to fix the
problem (e.g. create a new file from default values and retry) or to
rethrow a more intelligible error.

Unfortunately, cooking errors is something that often doesn't happen
because too many programmers have higher priorities and finite
deadlines. How many times have you seen a ClassCastException and
wondered which class the code was attempting to cast to? One poorly
handled error can result in a great deal of wasted time, collectively
over thousands of people.

Also, please note that there are many types of error and you need to be
aware that during software development we see errors (that tend to be
uncooked) that arise through flaws in the logic of the software and will
go away once the code has been debugged but, as an aid to development,
we might want to cook them if they are not immediately resolvable. As I
said, reality is rarely simple, at least not when human beings are

BTW, this is not a design issue, it's about writing good software.


Between the question and the answer, all too often, lies pure hell

----- Original Message -----
From: "James Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <axis-user@ws.apache.org>
Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2005 10:22 AM
Subject: web service error handling design issue

    another design issue on a different note. In our college course we a
told to
propogate error up to the top layer/controller and deal with them
What's the best way to deal with errors in the case of web services?
catch the exception and return an appropriate fault node/code and deal
this in the client code or catch the error at the service provider top
and return an appropriate explanation?
    Just looking for ideas and what way is it done in industry.
    Thanks to anyone that gives my the time to answer,

Between the question and the answer lies free will

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