I am just struggling with the same issue. I am using document literal style
where encoding namespace is invalid and the .Net client (and not only) is
complaining about it.
Any changes I did in the wsdd file didn't lead to the solution, so I also
would like to know if somebody already solved this issue.

             "Dovholuk, Clint"                                             
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             
             lobalCrossing.com                                          To 
             >                         <axis-user@ws.apache.org>           
             06/23/2005 02:26                                              
             PM                                                    Subject 
                                       soapenc:Array vs minOccurs="0"      
             Please respond to                                             
             [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             

Hello All,

I've searched through the archives but there's so much overlapping of
keywords I can't locate a specific thread that answers this question, so
please forgive me if this has been covered before (and I'm sure it HAS, I
just can't find where).

Is there some special reason why Axis uses the soapenc:Array type instead
of just using minOccurrs/maxOccurs on a complex type (like .NET) on
auto-generated wsdls?

I imagine there must be some fantastic reason and I'd love to know what it

Also is there any way to override this functionality?  I figured when I
specified the dotnet_soapenc_fix that all the soapenc references would be
subtracted from wsdl... But the soapenc:Array is still used...


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