I am using axis 1.2.1. I am implementing session management by adding --deployScope Session option for server side stub generation. I created java client with serviceLocator.setMaintainSession(true); for client stub locator and it works as expected for java client.

I am trying to consume webservice on .net client by adding clientStub.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer(). When I make first call I see cookie returned by axis server side and requests after that includes cookie reference with Cookie: 7=; 7=

 in http header section under tcpmonitor utility.

For some reason second call creates new instance on server side instead of using existing instance on server side eventhough it has cookie reference. After 2nd call all the rest of the method calls picks up existing instance on server side. Does anyone know why second call does not pickup existing instance and why axis creates new instance eventhough it has cookie reference for session maintenance?




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