Hi Mathieu,

On Tue, 2005-07-19 at 15:39 +0200, Mathieu Larchet wrote:
> Hello,
> I'am using wsdl2java to generate client classes for my service.
> wsdl2java generate a <service-name>ServiceLocator.java class which
> contains direct references to my service endpoint (something like
> http://server.mydomain.com/axis/MyService).
> I want to specify in my client only the WSDL url. The service locator
> should be able to find dynamically the webservice endpoint but I can't
> find how.
You might want to try the following:

YourServiceLocate sl = new YourServiceLocator();
URL portAddress = new URL( "http://server.mydomain.com/YourService"; );
YourService service = sl.getYourService( portAddress );


> Does anybody have already done something like this ?
> Thanks
> PS : Axis should work like this, PHP and Perl already work like this.

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