Thanks for your advice. I did try moving the temp="" part to the top (static
initializer) and the same thing happens.

PS: What do you mean by "following the Singleton pattern". I am more from a
C/C++ background so the terminology is a bit strange to me.

Thanks for the help!

-----Original Message-----
From: James Wilson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 04 August 2005 15:15
Subject: Re: Application scope objects that retain data

This is interesting.  I can't speak to the Axis internals.  But what this
me is that Axis is creating more than one service implementation class.
there is more than one instance of your Test class instanciated even though
they will live to service many requests.  This is what I would expect for
to support multiple user-request-threads coming in from the Servlet

If you move the 'temp=""' line out of the constructor and into a static
initializer (static String  temp="";) you will get the effect you are
for.  But to scale the example, you might want to implement a class
the Singleton pattern to maintain the application state.

hope it helps,

Quoting "J.W.F. Thirion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi everyone,
> I appologise if this has been asked already, but I would like to know the
> following: Is it possible to have a Java class, e.g. Test in my,
> to keep the value of its static variables between calls to the service.
> I have a static variable temp, to which I just add string data and on each
> call to getValue the value returned should be the value I passed to the
> function concatenated to previous String values. So on the first call, if
> pass "Hello", I would get back "Initial, Hello" and on the second call, if
> pass "there", I would get back "Initial, Hello there", and so on. The
> must thus never go out of scope. I assumed that I needed to set the scope
> application, but that didn't work (I just got back the string "Initial,
> where XXX is what I passed to getValue - thus the constructor was called
> each call). Here is my deploy.wsdd file:
> <deployment xmlns="";
> xmlns:java="";>
>     <service name="Test" provider="java:RPC">
>         <parameter name="scope"          value="application" />
>         <parameter name="className"      value="Test" />
>         <parameter name="allowedMethods" value="*" />
>     </service>
> </deployment>
> and here is my class:
> public class Test {
>     static boolean bInitialised;
>     static String  temp;
>     public Test() {
>       bInitialised = false;
>       temp = "";
>     }
>     public static synchronized boolean isInitialised() {
>         return bInitialised;
>     }
>     public static synchronized void initialise() {
>               temp = "Initial, ";
>               bInitialised = true;
>     }
>     public String getValue(String input) {
>         if (!Test.isInitialised()) {
>               Test.initialise();
>         }
>         temp = temp + input;
>         return temp;
>     }
> }
> and I have deployed the service with the following:
> java org.apache.axis.client.AdminClient deploy.wsdd
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Kind regards,
> J.W.F. Thirion (Dérik)

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