Quoting "Jonathan J. Vargas R." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi,
> I did this:
> public class Main {
>     public static void main (String[] args) {
>       try {
>           EchoImpServiceLocator sl = new EchoImpServiceLocator ();
>           EchoImp service = sl.getEcho ();
> ->        ((org.apache.axis.client.Stub) service).setUsername ("anyuser");
> ->        ((org.apache.axis.client.Stub) service).setPassword ("anypassword");
>           System.out.println (service.echo ("Hola amigo!"));
>       } catch (Exception e) {
>           System.err.println ("Error: " + e.getMessage ());
>       }
>     }
> }
> It works, just hope it's safe to do this, and it is compliant with ur
> customs? otherwise how would u do it from here, the class Main? :)
One other way to inject client authentication into an HTTP connection is to
imbed it at the beginning of the URL.  This is a standard outside of Axis. 
Following your variables used above, the command would be something like this:
      http://sdsuser:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:8080/axis/services/EchoImp");
  EchoImp service = sl.getEcho();
  service.echo ("Hola amigo!")
> thanks man.
> On 8/8/05, Kr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > < proxy object>.setUsername("dfdafasdf");
> > < proxy object>.setPassword("dfdfdfdf");
> >
> --
> Jonathan J. Vargas Rodriguez
> "Conservar el silencio interior cuando vuelo en la tormenta me es
> mejor, porque asi ya no soy otra gota de la tempestad"

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