If I see it right, you are missing a step. 

This instruction:
(HttpSession)messageContext.getProperty( HTTPConstants.MC_HTTP_SERVLETREQUEST);

will return a HttpServletRequest object, not a HttpSessionObject.

You need to do:
HttpSession session =((HttpServletRequest)messageContext.getProperty(

On 8/17/05, shantanu chawla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> my webservice running is axis1.2RC3 needs to access current servlet session
> and servletContext. I believe axis is running as a servlet so I can get hold
> of the session and servlet context. 
> I am using this code: 
>  MessageContext messageContext =
> MessageContext.getCurrentContext(); 
>  HttpServlet servlet =
> (HttpServlet)messageContext.getProperty(HTTPConstants.MC_HTTP_SERVLET);
>  ServletContext servletContext =
> (ServletContext)servlet.getServletContext();
>   HttpSession session
> =(HttpSession)messageContext.getProperty(
>  I am getting java.lang.ClassCastException on casting to HttpSession. I am
> doing the right thing 
> Thanks 
> Shantanu Chawla
> -- 
> Graduate Student 
> Department of Computer Science,
> San Diego State University 

Javier Gonzalez Nicolini

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