Hello all,


I am attempting to use Axis 1.2.1 to generate a client stub to the Systinet UDDI registry. For most of the API I used the OASIS WSDLs and WSDL2Java. Aside from some minor problems, it appeared to work.


However now that I am using the client stub, I am running into a problem. UDDI defines the type tModel in the schema. There are many operations that return tModels. For example, in a Taxonomy object, there is a tModel. What this means is that Axis is generating a Taxonomy class that looks like:




            public void setTModel(…) { … }

            public TModel getTModel() { … }




The problem comes when a response message comes back from the UDDI server in which the tModel element is ‘<tModel>’. The BeanDeserializer on the client side is throwing an exception that the tModel element was unexpected. After stepping through the code, I found that the tModel property in Taxonomy is getting returned as TModel by bean introspection, therefore not matching the element with name ‘tModel’. Looking at the JavaBeans spec, the introspection and property name are correct.


Is there some way around this with Axis? It seems like a major problem, since and field with a second capital letter will not match the XML elements defined in the schema because of bean introspection. Note that this is the standard UDDI WSDL. I’m a bit worried that Axis can’t properly talk to UDDI, one of the leading technologies in web service registration and discovery.


Thanks for any help,





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