hi all

i'm currntly getting username and password using basic authentication in my web service.

we are using a product that doesn't support basic authentaication in the http header, so now i have to re-write my web service. Can anyone suggest an alternative way to do this?

Can i set the username and password in the SOAP Envelope/body?

Thsi is the code i'm curently using
String headerAuth = (String)msgContext.getProperty(HTTPConstants.HEADER_AUTHORIZATION);

if (headerAuth != null)
  headerAuth = headerAuth.trim();

if (headerAuth != null && headerAuth.startsWith("Basic "))
int i;

headerAuth = new String(Base64.decode(headerAuth.substring(6)));

String [] userNamePassword = headerAuth.split(":");

userName = userNamePassword[0];
password = userNamePassword[1];

thanks for  any help

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