Thanks for the speedy reply Simon. Looks like my idea of throwing a custom exception indicating where the client shouild redirect will be the way to go then.

From: "Simon Fell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Subject: RE: WS design question, redirection
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2005 13:26:02 -0700

Today there is no standard way to do a redirect that all (or even most)
WS clients will understand. Some tools will follow a HTTP redirect, some
will not. At one point I had hopes that WS-Addressing would enable this
kind of functionality, but I think they decided this kind of scenario
was out of scope for WS-A.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jarmo Doc [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2005 1:22 PM
Subject: WS design question, redirection

A design question:  I plan to have 3 instances of my web service, each
logically residing in a different resource domain and none of which has
direct access to the resources in the other 2 domains.  Clients can
connect to any of the 3 domains and get the majority of the information
that they need.  Sometimes, however, a client will request information
about a resource that's not in the local domain and will need to be
What's a good way to handle this?

I seem to have two choices:

1. have each web service act as a form of proxy, being a client to the
other domains, or 2. redirect the client himself to the other domain
(and ideally authorize him and re-issue his original request).

Architecturally I prefer option #1 but for performance reasons I need to
investigate #2.

If this were a regular web server situation, I would probably issue a
temporary redirect to the client.  What are the best options in the web
services world?  Presumably 307 redirect is not relevant (and perhaps
not even understood by WS clients?)  Do I raise a custom exception that
indicates to the client where he should redirect himself (and
re-authorize himself, and re-issue his request) to or can I somehow
automate the whole process (redirect, re-authorize, re-issue request)
using SOAP headers?

Thanks very much.

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