So if the WSDL for my method were as follows:

<wsdl:operation name="deleteEmployee">
<wsdl:input name="deleteEmployeeRequest" message="impl:deleteEmployeeRequest"/> <wsdl:output name="deleteEmployeeResponse" message="impl:deleteEmployeeResponse"/>

then that's an indication that I'm using a synchronous request/response and therefore my method itself does *not* need to return anything (even though it might be advisable to do so, the question here is one of necessity).

From: "Chris Nappin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Subject: RE: Explicit response required from WS methods?
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2005 16:48:14 +0100

Have a look at the various scenarios in the WS-I Usage Scenarios spec
geScenarios-1.01.pdf - (not as scary as it sounds).

If you care about whether the operation really happened, or you want to
be able to receive a fault if anything went wrong, then use the
synchronous request/response scenario.

If you don't care (known as a "fire and forget" message) then use the
"one way" scenario.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jarmo Doc [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 31 August 2005 16:39
Subject: Explicit response required from WS methods?

Let's say that I have a WS method like so:

  deleteEmployee(int empid) throws SOAPException

Is it sensible for this method to have a void return type or should it
always return something, for example the empid just deleted (for client
correlation purposes, amongst other things)?

I ask because it's not clear to me what's going on under the covers.  I
could imagine, for example, that void would be OK because any kind of
problem explicitly detected by the web service method would throw a
SOAPException and any kind of network issue (e.g. request not even
making it
to the web service) or a failure of the service to execute the method
cause the underlying infrastructure itself to throw a SOAPException
(because, for example, HTTP 200 OK was never seen by the client).  So
absence of a SOAPException might reasonably imply success and hence no
return type was required.


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