Check your classpath maybe?

On 9/6/05, Thompson, Dave M. (IPG IT CP Arch) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> A newbie question: I've installed axis and now every time I compile I
> get a log4j error.  Example:
> Using:
> javac
> Against source code:
> public class x
> {
>    public static void main(String[] args)
>    {
>    }
> };
> Results in error:
> Error reading c:\...(path to axis installation
> directory...\axis-1_2\lib\;
> error in opening zip file.
> Why does javac try and read anything from axis?  Why is it concerned
> with log4j?
> Thanks,
> Dave

Javier Gonzalez Nicolini

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