You can use SAAJ and have the client application send the file to the web service as a SOAP attachment and the service will retreive the attachment and store it on the server.

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Antony Grinyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2005 05:59 AM
>Subject: Newbie - file upload with axis2?
>Hi all,
>This is my first mail to the list as I am new to axis2 development. I am
>using axis2 and resin 2.1.0, and I have developed a basic web service
>which allows me to retrieve information from the database using basic
>http parameters as arguments to web service calls e.g.
>I would now like to write a method to upload a zip file from a client to
>the server using a web service call convention like:
>Which takes the file from the client machine and dumps it on the server.
>This file will then be unzipped at the server end and processed to
>upload XML to a database.
>I am using AXIOM for my web service methods to process all the web
>service calls e.g.
>public OMElement uploadZip(OMElement element)
> throws XMLStreamException
> QName qn = new QName("path");
> OMElement e = element.getFirstChildWithName(qn);
> String pathToZip = e.getText();
> // missing implementation - what goes here?
>...however I am completely mystified how I can implement this service to
>actually get the file from the client and put it on the server? i.e. how
>can my uploadZip method get the file from the client for the server to
>I can't find any examples anywhere on how to do this, therefore any
>help/advice would be gratefully received!
>Many thanks in advance,

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