session-management, if any.  auth tokens.  resolving a response to the request 
that caused it (depending on what
protocol you're using).  there are many things that could be negatively 
impacted if you have many threads use the same
client stub instance.  they should be reusable, tho, so perhaps you could use a 
"stub pool" to hand them out to your
threads as-needed (i assume this is for performance reasons?).  the rule of 
thumb i've always heard is that "if it
doesn't say it's thread-safe assume it's NOT".

> Hi - I have what I hope is a simple question... Are the
> wsdl2java-generated client stubs thread-safe? In other words, if I call:
> handleToWs = new WsServiceLocator().getWs(new
> URL("";));
> at application startup and then use 'handleToWs' in multiple threads,
> will I run into problems? My hunch is that I won't (I see some
> synchronized blocks in the generated code) but I can't find anything
> which clearly states: "client stubs are thread safe". Are there other
> downside to the approach that I might be missing?
> I am currently using Axis1.1 but an upgrade to 1.2 is in the works.
> Thanks,
> Paul

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