
> -----Mensaje original-----
> De: Ron Reynolds [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Enviado el: viernes, 14 de octubre de 2005 16:42
> Para: axis-user@ws.apache.org
> Asunto: Re: Problem installation Axis 1.3, i18n
> oh, i misread your email - you need the spanish version - the 
> only other version that shipped with 1.2.1 was a _ja version 
> - you'll need to translate all the error messages in the 
> english version to spanish and add the _es 

Thanks for your answer.
In order to make a fast test, I have copy the file i18n.properties to
Then in variable language I have put "es".
In the file i18n.properties in locale I have add es, this way, 
locales=en ja es

And I have tested it again, but I doesn't work.
I have attached to this e-mail the i18n_es.properties.

My doubt is if I have to change anything else. Do I have it?

>to the file name 
> (unless the axis folks make available more versions of the 
> i18n.properties file that i don't know about).

For me, there is no problem in traslate it.


> Ron Reynolds wrote:
> > it ships with the axis distrib (at least it did with 1.2.1) and it 
> > goes in your WEB-INF/classes (i.e.,  somewhere on your classpath).
> > attached is the version that comes with 1.2.1 Antonio Ruiz Martínez 
> > wrote:
> >
> >> Hello!
> >>
> >> I have installed axis 1.3, the problem is that when I open 
> >> http://localhost/axis/ I'm getting the following problem:
> >>
> >> org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Can't find bundle for base name 
> >> i18n, locale es
> >>     
> >> 
> org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.service(JspServletWrapper
> >> .java:3
> >>
> >> 70)
> >>     
> >> 
> org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(JspServlet
> .java:314)
> >>     
> org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(JspServlet.java:264)
> >>     javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:802)
> >> 
> file:///D:/dev/axis-1_2_1/webapps/axis/WEB-INF/classes/i18n.propertie
> >> s <cid:part1.07060508.05020301@RonReynolds.com>
> >> How could I solve it, please?
> >>
> >> Do I need a file i18n_es.properties? Where should I get it?
> >>
> >> Thanks in advance,
> >> Regards,
> >> Antonio.
> >>
> >>  
> >>
> >
> >-------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------
> >-
> >
> >############################################################
> ># i18n settings for the Axis Web-Application #
> >
> >#################### [i18n global setting] ################# # 
> >locales=en ja
> >
> >#################### [index.jsp] ########################### #
> >
> >### Header ###
> >#
> >language=Language
> >welcomeMessage=Hello! Welcome to Apache-Axis.
> >
> >### Operation list ###
> >#
> >operationType=What do you want to do today?
> >
> ># Validation
> >validation=Validation
> >validationURL=happyaxis.jsp
> >validationFootnote00=Validate the local installation's configuration 
> >validationFootnote01=see below if this does not work.
> >
> ># List
> >serviceList=List
> >serviceListURL=servlet/AxisServlet
> >serviceListFootnote=View the list of deployed Web services
> >
> ># Call
> >callAnEndpoint=Call
> >callAnEndpointURL=EchoHeaders.jws?method=list
> >callAnEndpointFootnote00=Call a local endpoint that list's 
> the caller's 
> >http headers callAnEndpointFootnote01=(or see its <a 
> href="EchoHeaders.jws?wsdl">WSDL</a>).
> >
> ># Visit
> >visit=Visit
> >visitURL=http://ws.apache.org/axis/
> >visitFootnote=Visit the Apache-Axis Home Page
> >
> ># Admin
> >admin=Administer Axis
> >adminURL=servlet/AdminServlet
> >adminFootnote=[disabled by default for security reasons]
> >
> ># SOAPMonitor
> >soapMonitor=SOAPMonitor
> >soapMonitorURL=SOAPMonitor
> >soapMonitorFootnote=[disabled by default for security reasons]
> >
> ># Sidenote
> >sideNote=To enable the disabled features, uncomment the 
> appropriate declarations in WEB-INF/web.xml in the 
> webapplication and restart it. 
> >
> >### Validating Axis ###
> >#
> >
> ># Title
> >validatingAxis=Validating Axis
> >
> ># Note 0
> >validationNote00=If the "happyaxis" validation page displays 
> an exception instead of a status page, the likely cause is 
> that you have multiple XML parsers in your classpath. Clean 
> up your classpath by eliminating extraneous parsers.
> >
> ># Note 1
> >validationNote01=If you have problems getting Axis to work, 
> consult the Axis <a 
> href="http://wiki.apache.org/ws/FrontPage/Axis";>Wiki</a> and 
> then try the Axis user mailing list. 
> >
> >#
> >#################### [index.jsp] ###########################
> >
> >#################### [happyaxis.jsp] ####################### #
> >
> >pageTitle=Axis Happiness Page
> >pageRole=Examining webapp configuration
> >
> >### Needed Components ###
> >#
> >neededComponents=Needed Components
> >error=Error
> >warning=Warning
> >criticalErrorMessage=Axis will not work.
> >uncertainErrorMessage=Axis may not work.
> ># parameters = url, name
> >seeHomepage=<br> See <a href="{0}">{0}</a> # parameters = category, 
> >classname, jarFile, errorText, url couldNotFound=<p> {0}: could not 
> >find class {1} from file <b>{2}</b><br> {3} {4}<p> # parameters = 
> >description, classname foundClass00=Found {0} ( {1} ) # parameters = 
> >description, classname foundClass01=Found {0} ( {1} ) at {2} # 
> >parameters = category, classname, errorText, url 
> couldNotFoundDep=<p> 
> >{0}: could not find a dependency of class {1} from file 
> <b>{2}</b><br> 
> >{3} {4} # parameters = ncdfe.getMessage(), classname 
> >theRootCause=<br>The root cause was: {0}<br>This can happen 
> e.g. if {1} 
> >is in the 'common' classpath, but a dependency like 
> activation.jar is 
> >only in the webapp classpath.<p> # parameters = location 
> >invalidSAAJ=<b>Error:</b> Invalid version of SAAJ API found in {0}. 
> >Make sure that Axis' saaj.jar precedes {0} in CLASSPATH.<br> 
> >axisInstallation=Axis installation instructions
> >
> >### Optional Components ###
> >#
> >
> >optionalComponents=Optional Components
> >attachmentsError=Attachments will not work.
> >xmlSecurityError=XML Security is not supported.
> >httpsError=https is not supported.
> >
> >happyResult00=<i>The core axis libraries are present.</i> 
> >happyResult01=<i>The optional components are present.</i> # 
> parameters 
> >= needed(num of missing libraries) unhappyResult00=<i>{0} core axis 
> >library(ies) are missing</i> # parameters = wanted(num of missing 
> >libraries) unhappyResult01=<i>{0} wanted optional axis 
> librar(ies) are 
> >missing</i>
> >
> >hintString=<B><I>Note:</I></B> On Tomcat 4.x and Java1.4, 
> you may need 
> >to put libraries that contain java.* or javax.* packages into 
> >CATALINA_HOME/common/lib <br>jaxrpc.jar and saaj.jar are two such 
> >libraries.<p/> noteString=<B><I>Note:</I></B> Even if 
> everything this 
> >page probes for is present, there is no guarantee your web 
> service will 
> >work, because there are many configuration options that we 
> do not check 
> >for. These tests are <i>necessary</i> but not <i>sufficient</i><hr>
> >
> >### Examining Application Server ###
> >#
> >apsExamining=Examining Application Server recommendedParser=<b>We 
> >recommend <a href="http://xml.apache.org/xerces2-j/";>Xerces 
> 2</a> over 
> >Crimson as the XML parser for Axis</b> 
> couldNotCreateParser=Could not 
> >create an XML Parser
> >
> >### Examining System Properties ###
> >#
> >sysExamining=Examining System Properties sysPropError=System 
> properties 
> >are not accessible.<p> classFoundError=an unknown location 
> >apsPlatform=Platform
> >
> >#
> >#################### [happyaxis.jsp] #######################
> >

Attachment: i18n_es.properties
Description: Binary data

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