
Apologies if this has already been asked on the list, but I did a search and couldn't find anything. I'm developing some axis 1.2.1 web services running in a tomcat 5.5.9 server. I've written the wsdl files, and have these specified in the wsdd files for the services. At the moment the soap:address location for the service is specified with the IP address of my machine for testing, as follows:

<service name="BiorsAdvancedQueryDocStyleService">
<port binding="tns:BiorsAdvancedQuerySOAPBinding" name="BiorsAdvancedQueryDocStyle"> <soap:address location="http://<IP address>:8080/biorsws/services/BiorsAdvancedQueryDocStyle"/>

I've noticed that axis changes the soap:address to reflect the URL used to request the wsdl. For example, if I call the wsdl files using, for example, http://<IP address>:8080/biorsws/services/BiorsAdvancedQueryDocStyle?wsdl , it is returned as I defined it in the wsdl:

<service name="BiorsAdvancedQueryDocStyleService">
<port binding="tns:BiorsAdvancedQuerySOAPBinding" name="BiorsAdvancedQueryDocStyle"> <soap:address location="http://<IP address>:8080/biorsws/services/BiorsAdvancedQueryDocStyle"/>

However, if I call the wsdl with http://localhost:8080/biorsws/services/BiorsAdvancedQueryDocStyle?wsdl , the wsdl is changed to:

<service name="BiorsAdvancedQueryDocStyleService">
<port binding="tns:BiorsAdvancedQuerySOAPBinding" name="BiorsAdvancedQueryDocStyle"> <soap:address location="http://localhost:8080/biorsws/services/BiorsAdvancedQueryDocStyle"/>

and if I use the name of the machine on our local network (http://<machine name>:8080/biorsws/services/BiorsAdvancedQueryDocStyle?wsdl) the returned wsdl contains:

<service name="BiorsAdvancedQueryDocStyleService">
<port binding="tns:BiorsAdvancedQuerySOAPBinding" name="BiorsAdvancedQueryDocStyle"> <soap:address location="http://<machine name>:8080/biorsws/services/BiorsAdvancedQueryDocStyle"/>

This happend whether I request the wsdl in a browser, using WSDL2Java, when or using MS Visual Studio to generate a .Net client. All other elements of the wsdl are unchanged, as far as I can see.

I'm now at the stage where I want to deploy these services on our production server with a regular web address (http://www.gsf.de/.....) defined for the service within the wsdl, such as

<service name="BiorsAdvancedQueryDocStyleService">
<port binding="tns:BiorsAdvancedQuerySOAPBinding" name="BiorsAdvancedQueryDocStyle"> <soap:address location="http://www.gsf.de/ws/biorsws/services/BiorsAdvancedQueryDocStyle"/>

with this address mapped to the actual location of the service. However, I'm now finding that if I request the wsdl for this service, as is changing the address in the returned wsdl to include the machine name and port on which the service is deployed.

<service name="BiorsAdvancedQueryDocStyleService">
<port binding="tns:BiorsAdvancedQuerySOAPBinding" name="BiorsAdvancedQueryDocStyle"> <soap:address location="http://<machine name>:8080/biorsws/services/BiorsAdvancedQueryDocStyle"/>

Can anyone tell me why this is happening, and more importantly, is there a way to ensure that the wsdl returned by axis is exactly as I have defined it.

Thanks in advance for your help.


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