thanks for the reply. Now, I went through the XMLBeans and worked with my schema. the "scomp" is even taking wsdl file. Now, how I integrate the beans generated from XMLBeans with Axis. In the stub as well as in the deployment descriptor file AxisSerializers are defined. What would be the case if I use XMLBeans (does it have separate serializers/deserializers).

On 10/17/05, Uday Kamath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
XMLBeans is better than JAXB 1.0 implementations (especially sun) and it has support for all schemas and also for wsdls

From: Vishist Mandapaka [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2005 3:29 PM
To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
Subject: Marshalling/Unmarshalling Feature

    Is there anyway that I could marshall the beans into XML and also unmarshall the XML document to java object. What I am asking is for a functionality similar to JAXB. I tried with castor. When I use castor, the wsdl generated from the webserver is not showing up the schema contents.
Since that is required for us, I'm looking at alternatives to Castor.

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