This was fixed yesterday.

Villalba, Gregorio, VF-ES (gvillal2) EXT wrote:
Hi again,

I think I have found other problem, in the same scenario. When using "Call" with two connections, (Axis generates the header and does not allow changes), the element MessageId that is inserted is a number, and it should be an URI. 
I am using Axis2-0.9, maybe it works in other version. 
Anyone knows? Is it a bug?


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
      <wsa:To xmlns:wsa="">http://localhost:8060</wsa:To>
      <wsa:Action xmlns:wsa=""></wsa:Action>
      <wsa:ReplyTo xmlns:wsa="">
      <wsa:MessageID xmlns:wsa="">1129648347852</wsa:MessageID>

-----Mensaje original-----
De: Srinath Perera [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Enviado el: martes, 18 de octubre de 2005 14:49
Asunto: Re: [Axis2] Asynchronous dual client

+1 Eran is 100% right. this is not a bug. If you choose the In-Out mep
that means you hand over the control to Axis2. So you can not set the Adressing Headers. (Becouse Axis2 will set up a listener fo you and waiting for reply).

If you need to contol addressing use In-Only MEP.

Let us close the bug
For more info read the "In-Only MEP Support: InOnlyMEPClient" part of article


On 10/18/05, Eran Chinthaka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Villalba, Gregorio, VF-ES (gvillal2) EXT wrote:


I am developing a WS client with Axis2 code generator.
I want to use dual transport,  I engage the Addressing module and I 
configure the transport as dual but I can not change the ReplayTo 
element (that automatically appears like localhost)!!!!! It can not 
be changed with messageContext.setReplyTo(aERPReplayTo).

Any idea?

hmm, seems like you are violating the MEP concept here.

Using Call means you are invoking an IN-OUT service. So when you send 
a message using Call api, the reply MUST come back to the same Call. 
That means you are not allowed to mess around with the replyTo. The 
engine will set a dynamic replyTo address for you, which then starts 
up a listener with the given transport, and listens to a message.

If you are allowed to set the replyTo, you could have set that to some 
other EPR, and the Call which u used to invoke the service will 
timeout. Thats why you are not allowed to set replyTo information. So 
actually what you need to do is, invoke your IN-OUT web service using 
IN-Only manner and set the replyTo address to wherever you want. That 
means you basically have one client who thinks that this is an IN-Only 
invocation and for another client who thinks that it is an OUT only 

So this voids Axis2-284. So please close that issue too.


-- Chinthaka

Thanks in advance.

That is the code:

       org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext messageContext = 

       Call call = new Call(_serviceContext);


       call.engageModule(new QName(Constants.MODULE_ADDRESSING));

       boolean DUAL_TRANSPORT = true;

       org.apache.axis2.soap.SOAPEnvelope env = createEnvelope();
                   //Style is Doc


       EndpointReference aERPReplayTo = new 

messageContext.setMessageID(myProp.getProperty("msg_id_template") + 
new VMID().toString());

       call.invokeNonBlocking(operations[0], messageContext, 

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