You don't control the wsdl, the web services are
seemingly in cobol, and you have struts ActionForms
using them. And you're wondering why no one is helping
you ? ;-) 

I'd try and look at this from an OO and design
patterns standpoint instead. There's essentially
nothing you can do with the generated code if you
don't control the wsdl, but what you can do if be
creative on how you use the objects and methods
created by the wsdl. 

Off the top of my head: 

1) Use the adapter pattern - does the right thing with
the wrong interface. 
2) Use delegates - an alternative to 'extends' . 
3) You want to favor composition over inheritance
anyways, so you can create new objects which contain
your complex objects. 
4) Think about applying the bridge pattern - extending
an existing product without changing it. 


--- Mick Knutson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I don't control the wsdl.
> I also do not like the ComplexTypes that are
> generated. They exist because 
> of Cobol requires certain structure, and I need the
> structures more 
> flattened.
> So, if there was a way to make the generated files
> extend or implement an 
> Abstract Class or Interface?
> If I use an Abstract Class I can have a utility
> method that will convert the 
> Complex SubType into data members on my
> DTO's/ActionForms.
> I am just trying to solve this:
> This works fine:
> EnrollType.commonEnrollmentId ==
> Consumer.commonEnrollmentId
> With this:
> BeanUtils.copyProperties(EnrollType, Consumer);
> Then when the wsdl changes to this:
> EnrollType.customerReferenceNumber !=
> Consumer.commonEnrollmentId
> This does NOT work:
> BeanUtils.copyProperties(EnrollType, Consumer);
> So without a way to have an extends or interface
> break at compile time, many 
> changes like this go unoticed for some time, and
> dismissed as bad data in 
> the DB.
> Thank You
> Mick Knutson
> Sr. Java/J2EE Consultant
> BASE logic, inc.
> (415) 648-1804 (S.F., CA)
> HP Consulting Services (Walnut Creek, CA)
> >From: trebor iksrazal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Reply-To:
> >To:
> >Subject: Re: Need Design help for ComplextTypes to
> ActionForms 
> >please...anyone?
> >Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2005 12:56:31 -0700 (PDT)
> >
> >Try seperating the Struts issues out of your
> question
> >and make it more of a wsdl and complex types
> question.
> >Maybe you have a front end to these web services
> but
> >thats not really a web services question, unless
> its a
> >special case.
> >
> >Furthermore, I don't really understand the
> question.
> >With 'extension base' an WSDL can have super and
> >sub-types, and it is common simply to have a
> delegate
> >that mirrors the web service, doing the
> transactions
> >and so forth. Beyond that, if your passing objects
> I
> >don't understand why its burdensome to change the
> wsdl
> >on those objects.
> >
> >Try to focus your question down a bit and maybe I
> can
> >help.
> >
> >iksrazal
> >
> >--- Mick Knutson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > Ok, I have sent many emails about an issue I an
> > > having designing a solution
> > > for my wsdl2java files.
> > > I would really hope someone will respond to this
> > > issue as nobody has done so
> > > before!
> > >
> > > I have a wsdl that is managed and generated by a
> > > different group than mine.
> > > This wsdl has many complex types within complex
> > > types for each service. Thus
> > > I get composite objects being generated, and we
> use
> > > a flattened version of
> > > these objects in our Struts UI. But Currently,
> we
> > > create an ActionForm and
> > > an interface that Mirrors the ComplextType that
> was
> > > generated, but has
> > > additional fields for the fields.
> > >
> > > Like I have a micrType that is an RTN and
> > > BankAccount, and my Action form
> > > just has RTN and BankAccount instead of micrType
> > >
> > > So, if I can't have the wsdl define Parent
> Abstract
> > > Classes for these types,
> > > What am I suppose to do to keep some type of
> > > interface between my
> > > ActionForms and my ComplextTypes? Besides going
> > > through by hand each time
> > > there is an update and making changes by hand,
> then
> > > having to verify by hand
> > > that the changes get reflected in my
> ActionForms?
> > >
> > > I find it hard to believe I am the only person
> with
> > > this issue, yet I feel
> > > this way as I have sent 4-6 messages over the
> past
> > > 1.5 months and have
> > > gotten zero response.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Thank You
> > > Mick Knutson
> > >
> > > Sr. Java/J2EE Consultant
> > > BASE logic, inc.
> > > (415) 648-1804 (S.F., CA)
> > >
> > >
> > > HP Consulting Services (Walnut Creek, CA)
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who
> falsely believe they are 
> >free. -- Goethe"
> >
> >
> >
> >__________________________________
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> >

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