you need a file in your classpath or you need to call 
before any logging starts (i.e., in a static block in your main class) - the file in the
WEB-INF/classes directory works better.  see previous emails for a good file for Axis.

> Hi,
> i'm brazilian and sorry for my english...
> I'm getting the following error message trying to deploy my WS.
> why??? please....
> C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\webapps\axis>java
>  org.apache.axis.client.AdminClient deploy.wsdd
> log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger 
> (org.apache.axis.i18n.ProjectR
> esourceBundle).
> log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
> Processing file deploy.wsdd
> Exception: AxisFault
>  faultCode: {}Server.userException
>  faultSubcode:
>  faultString: java.lang.Exception: Unable to process the message -was it a 
> valid
>  WSDD descriptor?
>  faultActor:
>  faultNode:
>  faultDetail:
>         {}hostname:lara
> thanks...
> []'s
> --
> Alberto Ferreira Filho
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Projeta - Tecnologias & Projetos
> Programador
> (71) 3271-3331 / 9977-6226
> "nós temos defesas para todo e
>  qualquer ataque, mas somos indefesos ao elogio"
>                                                                 Freud

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