Hi Anne,
Is there some way to get the WSDL generation tool in axis to add the header for us?
Thanks and Regards,

Anne Thomas Manes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Try specifying the body parts before the header parts -- both in the messages and in the binding. That should get rid of the warnings.


On 10/26/05, Tysnes Are Thobias <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello Anne! Thanks for your reply :o)
When I describe headers like you suggests, wsdl.exe in .NET gives me the warning
I mentioned (R2210)
And if I have several operations (example below) declared in the WSDL both wsdl.exe
in .NET and SoapScope Analyzer gives me this warning:
"Duplicate Wire Signature
Wsdl:Operation myOperation1 with wsdl:part MyHeader has same wire signature as
wsdl:operation myOperation2 with wsdl:part MyHeader. W013"
The code generated in .NET and Axis looks ok, but I don't like the warnings.. ;o)
Are T. Tysnes
<wsdl:message name="MyOperation1Req">
<wsdl:part name="MyHeader" element="aaa:Header"/>
<wsdl:part name="parameters" element="bbb:MyOperation1"/>
<wsdl:message name="MyOperation1Resp">
<wsdl:part name="parameters" element="bbb:MyOperation1Response"/>
<wsdl:message name="MyOperation2Req">
<wsdl:part name="MyHeader" element="aaa:Header"/>
<wsdl:part name="parameters" element="bbb:MyOperation2"/>
<wsdl:message name="MyOperation2Resp">
<wsdl:part name="parameters" element="bbb:MyOperation2Response"/>
<wsdl:binding name="xxxWSSOAPBinding" type="tns:xxxWSInterface">
<soap:binding style="document" transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"/>
<wsdl:operation name="MyOperation1">
<soap:operation soapAction="MyOperation1" style="document"/>
<soap:header message="tns:MyOperation1Req" part="MyHeader" use="literal"/>
<soap:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<soap:body use="literal"/>
<wsdl:operation name="MyOperation2">
<soap:operation soapAction="MuOperation2" style="document"/>
<soap:header message="tns:MyOperation2Req" part="MyHeader" use="literal"/>
<soap:body parts="parameters" use="literal"/>
<soap:body use="literal"/>
-----Original Message-----
From: Anne Thomas Manes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 25. oktober 2005 21:43
To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
Subject: Re: SOAP:Header question

Did you specify a parts attribute in the <soapbind:body> description?

Here's an example of how your should describe headers:

<message name="SubscribeToQuotes">
<part name="body" element="tns:SubscribeToQuotes"/>
<part name="subscribeheader" element="tns:subscribeHeader"/>

<binding name="StockQuoteSoap" type="tns:StockQuotePortType">
<soapbind:binding style="document"
<operation name="SubscribeToQuotes">
<input message="tns:SubscribeToQuotes">
<soapbind:body parts="body" use="literal"/>

<soapbind:header message="tns:SubscribeToQuotes"
part="subscribeheader" use="literal"/>


On 10/25/05, Tysnes Are Thobias <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I have som issues with SOAP:Header.

The solution with multiple parts in a message raise a warning
in .NET:

"Warning: This web reference does not conform to WS-I Basic Profile
v1.1 .
R2210: If a document-literal binding in a DESCRIPTION does not specify
the parts attribute on a soapbind:body element, the corresponding
abstract wsdl:message MUST define zero or one wsdl:parts.
  -  Operation 'SLSCreateCase' on binding 'SLSCreateCaseSOAPBinding'
from namespace 'http://www.edb.com/sls/webservices/

When i split the parts in two messages:

        <wsdl:message name="MyHeader">
                <wsdl:part name="SoapHeader"
        <wsdl:message name="inputMessage">
                <wsdl:part name="parameters"

everything is fine in .NET, but AXIS 1.3 (WSDL2Java) refuses to generate
this header for me.

Any reason for this !?

Are T. Tysnes

-----Original Message-----
From: Hans Planting (CWEU-USERS/CWNL)
Sen t: 20. oktober 2005 17:15
To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
Subject: Re: SOAP:Header question

It should look like:

<message name="inputMessage">
    <part name="parameters" element="s0:???"/>
    *<part name="Authorization" element="s0:AuthorizationElement"/>*
<portType name="portType">
  <operation name="GetFinancialDetail">
      <input *message="s0:inputMessage"*>
        <soap:body use="literal" />
<binding name="binding" type="s0:portType">
  <soap:binding ...>
    <operation name="GetFinancialDetail">
soapAction="http://xxx/webservices/GetFinancialDetail " style="document"
        <soap:body ...>
        <soap:header message=*"s0:inputMessage"* part="Authorization"
use="literal" /> ...

When running wsdl2java you should get something like
'getFinancialData(String clientid, Authorization auth)' as the
webservices endpoint method. The clientid will be sent in the soap:body,
the auth in the soap:header of the envelope. The Axis java source
distribution contains a good example of this in


>You got the idea: have t he endpoint method (getFinancialData) handle
>this data - and obviously, it requires extra parameters to do that. The

>question is how to transfer this authentication data from the header to

>this parameter. Or do I misunderstand?
>Just for clearence:
>I got a WSDL from which I created the JAVA sources using WSDL2Java
>--server-side, that gave me (amongst others) OrgWebservice.java and
>OrgWebServiceImpl.java. The last one is the one that implements the
>actual services, amongst the GetFinancialDetails (java.lang.String
>clientid). Is that what you call the "endpoint method"?
>Obviously, that one nedds to get the authentication data, and I don't
>care if that would be in the form of an object: Object class
>   java.lang.String region ;
>   java.lang.String department ;
>   java.lang.String desk ;
>   java.lang.String username ;
>or whatever, or as separate arguments. Lets assume the first.
>So the service - now generated as:
>FinDetails class getFinancialDetails (java.lang.String clientid)
>would need to be:
>FinDetails class getFinancialDetails (java.lang.String clientid,
>Authetication authentication)
>so I could use the data - directly or by a getter.
>Would this be the idea of WSDL:
>      <s:element name="Authorization" type="s0:Authorization" />
>      <s:complexType name="Authorization">
>        <s:complexContent mixed="false">
>          <s:extension base="s0:LogObjectBase">
>            <s:sequence>
>              <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="Region"
>type="s:string" />
>              <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="Department"
>type="s:string" />
>              <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="Username"
>type="s:string" />
>              <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="Desk"
>type="s:string" />
>            </s:sequence>
>          </s:extension>
>        </s:complexContent>
>      </s:complexType>
>      <s:complexType name="LogObjectBase" abstract="true" /> ...
>  <message name="GetFinancialDetailAuthorizations">
>    <part name="Authorization" element="s0:Authorization" />
>  </message>
>    <operation name="GetFinancialDetail">
>      <soap:operation
soapAction="http://xxx/webservices/GetFinancialDetail "
>style="document" />
>      <input>
>        <soap:body use="literal" />
>        <soap:header message="s0:getFinancialDetailAuthorization"
>part="Authorization" use="literal" />
>      </input>
>      <output>
>        <soap:body use="literal" />
>      </output>
>    </operation>
>This is in the WSDL already, but the header data is not included in the

>generated JAVA code:
>public interface OrgWebServiceSoap extends java.rmi.Remote { ...
>    public xxx.FinDetails getFinancialDetail(java.lang.String clientid)
>and I don't find any refererence to the haeder data either when
>searching all java files.
>So HOW to change the WSDL to get this information included in the
>interface? Or should I just add it and create a WSDL from the java
>code? Quite a nasty job since so much needs to be coded. By that: the
>nasty part, at the moment, is that the WSDL is _delivered_ to me -
>there is already a webservice (on another platform) that works with it.

>The good side is that we're in the stage of preparing a new version so
>changes can be incoprorated. If only I had some idea.
>PS. Original names in code adapted for display, because of policy.
>-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
>Van: Hans Planting (CWEU-USERS/CWNL)
>[mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Verzonden: donderdag 20 oktober 2005 11:29
>Aan: axis-user@ws.apache.org
>Onderwerp: Re: SOAP:Header question
>Hi Willem,
>It sounds to me that you need to use explicit service context: the
>signature of the webservices endpoint method is extended with the parts

>of the soap:header.
>This way the getFinancialDetails method will have an additional
>parameter for the authentication data - however the authentication data

>in the soap envelope is transported in the header. So you don't create
>separate handler to deal with the header but instead deal with it in
>endpoint method. Make sure that in the wsdl the soapheader element
>refers to a part in the request message.
>>Some help is rquired with the following problem:
>>I have an application on a OpenVMS system that is used by different
>>offices, where all use the same executables, but the data is
>>completely separated. If a person logs in, the OS will know which
>>scripts to execute
>>setup the right paths to the data, and the application will then be
>>able to check the authorisations of that user. If the user uses the
>>application, he will only have access - by this setup - to the data of

>>his regional office.
>>It happens that a .NET application will access the data by a
>>SOAP-based webservice. This application is used by the same regional
>>offices that us e the OpenVMS application, and will access only the
>>data of that office. Only users of the .NET application that are
>>authorized will be allowed access - be it anyone within a deparetment,

>>or a specific user. In some cases, data can just be accessed if
>>requested from a certain desk only. This authorization is set within
>>the dataset on the VMS machine and maintained on that system only (for

>>security reasons).
>>That means that the webservice needs to be able to set the right
>>access paths to the data, in order to check access by that user, on a
>>request-by-request basis, because, IIRC, SOAP:Header can contain
>>authentication information, and this can be specified in some
>>structure. So my idea is to use a structure in the SOAP:header, since
>>it is required for each and every request.
>>An example:
>>I'm wor king at the ICT department, and logged in on PC at the infodesk

>>of region 9999. I need to get information on the financial details of
>>client with code 123456. The ,NET application will build up a SOAP
>>message containing my login information (in the header) and  the
>>requested information in the body:
>>   <authentication>
>>       <region>9999</region>
>>       <department>ITC</department>
>>       <desk>infodesk</desk>
>>       <username>Grooters</username>
>>   </authentication>
>>      <clientid>123456</clientid>
>>and sends it to tehet webservice, method "getFinancialDetails"
>>The method would normally get the clientid from AXIS, but it needs the

>>header information as well, to be able to: 1 Set the right access
>>paths to the data (<region>) 2 Authorize the request (against the data

>>of region 9999) (<department>, <desk> and <username>
>>3 If authorized, access the data of the client (<clientid>)
>>The problem is that it seems that I have no access to the header
>>when I need it: in the service itself. How can this be solved - with
>>this info in the SOAP Header - not moved to the body (I'm stuck to
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