Thanks Hansen, I am not sure we are talking about the same thing.

The Web Service method is:
void methodName(BaseClass[]);

I have to pass a ChildClass object that extends BaseClass class as argument,
so I do:
methodName(new BaseClass[] {new ChildClass()});

When I look into SOAP request, I see only fields from BaseClass, but no
fields from ChildClass object. Both classes *are* generated by AXIS from
WSDL. Does AXIS/SOAP handle inheritance on input parameters? (it works well
for output parameters, e.g. BaseClass[] anotherMethod() returns ChildClass
objects inside the array)

Thanks, Jan

Hansen, Geir wrote:
I am in control of the server as well, and was using Axis to generate a
client for test purpose when I became aware of this problem. So I
thought that if Axis has such a problem other tools might have as well.
So I generated a dummy message on the server side having absolutely all
classes as arguments. Then at least Axis generates the classes on the
client side as well.

But of course, that won't help you as long as you have no control of the
server side.
Of course you could edit the WSDL file, add a dummy method in there (you
would never call it of course) and try to generate the axis client from

But there should be another solution. Sorry I couldn't help you.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jan Bares [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 27. oktober 2005 15:03
Subject: Re: WSDL2Java problem

Thanks, but it doesn't help. Comparing the generated files, nothing
changes with respect to the classes in problem. The QName for the
classes is registered even without -a. Does Axis handle this type of


Hansen, Geir wrote:

When generating your client code, are you sure you tried the -a option

("generate code for all elements, even unreferenced ones").

See WSDL2Java Reference


-----Original Message-----
From: Jan Bares [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 27. oktober 2005 11:47
Subject: WSDL2Java problem


I am new to Axis/SOAP. We have generated Java files from WSDL and most

of the functions work well (Google AdWords API). However we have a trouble with a specific function. That function takes array of objects

of class called Base. There is another class called Sublass, that is subclass of Base. We pass array of the Subclass objects. I lloked into

generated SOAP request, and  it contains only data related to the Base

class, all data from Subclass are lost.
Is this problem of generated Java files or in the axis library during call?

Thanks, Jan

I think that the wsdl file is correct
( The

function is called addCriteria, it takes array of Criterion objects and we pass Keyword objects. The SOAP request doesn't contain Keyword object related members.

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