Worked for me, too -- Yay! I'm sure ATM will be glad to see that someone
remembers what she says :)

I'm still left with puzzlement about why Axis happily deserialized XML
that, so far as I could tell, had elements in the wrong namespace (the
xmlns="" means all my lovely sub-elements are in no namespace...), but
the idleness of the curiosity has increased considerably...


-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Reynolds [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2005 09:03
Subject: Re: only top-level element has namespace [RESOLVED]

that was exactly the email i was hunting for and it WORKED PERFECTLY:
<xsd:schema ... elementFormDefault ="qualified">

i knew this question had been asked and answered - just gotta get better
at searching the archives i guess (the search form stripped the '=""'
from my search string and every email and its cousin has "xmlns" in it.)

lots of thanks. :)

> I'm hoping that Anne Manes or someone more knowledgable will step 
> forward on this one, but I've seen similar questions come up on this 
> list over the past few months and I wonder if the behavior you're 
> seeing is because of the default "unqualified" setting that you have 
> in your schema.  See this post from Anne, where she gives an example
of how this might work:
> Here's another response from Anne, to a question that's the opposite 
> of yours--how to suppress the namespaces being added to every element!
> Hope this helps--
> Meghan
> _________________________________
> Meghan Pietila
> Java Middleware Architect
> Sales & Service Management Program
> US Bank
> Gold 4
> (651) 205-0904
> (651) 271-2815 cell
>                       "Ron Reynolds"
>                       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:
>                       com>                     cc:
>                                                Subject:  only
top-level element has namespace
>                       11/02/2005 06:18
>                       PM
>                       Please respond to
>                       axis-user
> i hate to ask a duplicate question but 5 minuets digging in the list 
> archives was leading nowhere.
> my question is, what's causing this 'xmlns=""' to be added and how do 
> i prevent it?  (my service is document-literal)
>  <soapenv:Body>
>   <findVialsByAttributesResponse xmlns="">
>    <locations xmlns="">
>     <location id="1">
> ...
> same thing's happening on the request side as well -
> <soapenv:Body xmlns:wsu="..." wsu:Id="id-21465667"> 
> <findVialsByAttributesRequest xmlns="">
>   <materialTypeName xmlns="">FooTest</materialTypeName>
>   <attributeName xmlns="">Volume</attributeName>
>   <attributeValues xmlns="">
>     <value>1</value>
>     <value>2</value>
> ...
> is it a WSDL issue?  i import the type XSD thus:
> <wsdl:definitions targetNamespace  = ""
>                   xmlns:tns        = ""
>                   xmlns:data       = ""
>                   xmlns:soap       =
> "
>                   xmlns:xsd        =
>                   xmlns:wsdl       =
>   <wsdl:types xmlns="">
>     <xsd:schema targetNamespace="">
>       <xsd:import namespace=""
> schemaLocation="freezer-data.xsd"/>
> ...
>       <xsd:element name="findVialsByAttributesRequest"
>                    type="data:TFindVialsByAttributesRequest"/>
>       <xsd:element name="findVialsByAttributesResponse"
>                    type="data:TFindVialsByAttributesResponse"/>
>     </xsd:schema>
>   </wsdl:types>
> ...
>   <wsdl:message name="FindVialsByAttributesRequest">
>     <wsdl:part name="request"
> element="data:findVialsByAttributesRequest"/>
>   </wsdl:message>
>   <wsdl:message name="FindVialsByAttributesResponse">
>     <wsdl:part name="response"
> element="data:findVialsByAttributesResponse"/>
>   </wsdl:message>
> ...
> i noticed the XSD doesn't explicitly call out qualified elements:
> <xsd:schema
>     targetNamespace=""
>     xmlns:data     =""
>     xmlns:xsd      = "";>
>   <xsd:complexType name="TLocation">
>     <xsd:sequence>
> ...
> could that be a problem?  it still doesn't make sense why the SOAP 
> message would EXPLICITLY strip the namespace from everything except 
> the root element, or does it? :-/
> never giving up, ;-)
> .................ron.
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