Search in the axis user guide for samples.userguide.example4.LogHandler. Perhaps this would suit your needs. In the deployment file provided, you can also put the same handler into the response flow
 <handler type="trace"/>

to log both request and response messages.

Also see the javadoc for org.apache.axis.handlers.LogHandler.


Jarmo Doc wrote:

I recommend Ethereal (general network sniffer) or Fiddler (Windows-only HTTP proxy).

Fiddler is simpler to configure for HTTP (because you don't have to configure anything!)

To get your Java client to use Fiddler as a proxy, run:

java -Dhttp.proxyHost= -Dhttp.proxyPort=8888 mytestclient

From: Dies Koper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: HTTP/SOAP messages to file
Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2005 16:06:46 +0900


I would like to save the messages sent between my client and server to
file. I am looking for a tool like SOAPMonitor or tcpmon, but with a cmd
line option (no GUI) to capture the messages and save them automatically.

The reason I am looking for such a tool is that I want to use a diff
tool to check whether/what happens to all my SOAP messages (or better
yet, HTTP messages) while I make changes to my application, or Axis

I looked at the source of both the SOAPMonitor and the TCPMonitor, and
they don't seem to have any such options.

Can anyone lead me to such a tool?
Or should I search for a more general HTTP message intercept tool or
Tomcat/Web browser option?

Dies Koper

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