
Can you point me to one of the examples which does this?  Or even
something to grep for.


Davanum Srinivas wrote:

>Yep. Check the test harness...there are DOZENs of examples.
>-- dims
>On 11/17/05, Kevin Ruland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Hi all,
>>I think I found a way to use the de-/serialization methods outside of
>>SOAPEnvelopes.  Can somebody validate?
>>Suppose the base xsd defined type is someXmlType and axis generated a
>>class named SomeXmlType.java.
>>To serialize into a Writer do this:
>>public void print( SomeXmlType x, Writer w )
>>  SerializationContext ctx = new SerializationContext(w);
>>  ctx.setPretty( true );
>>  QName rootName = SomeXmlType.getTypeDesc().getXmlType();
>>  // This attribute adds a default namespace.
>>  AttributesImpl a = new AttributesImpl();
>>  a.addAttribute( "", "xmlns", "xmlns", "xsd:string",
>>rootName.getNamespaceURI() );
>>  ctx.serialize( new QName( "", "nodename"), a, x, null, new
>>Boolean(true), new Boolean(false) );
>>The magic string "nodename" must be the name of the root node.
>>To deserialize, you need a supporting class:
>>class SomeXmlTypeBuilder extends SOAPHandler
>>  private BeanDeserializer handler;
>>  public SomeXmlTypeBuilder() {};
>>  public SOAPHandler onStartChild( String ns, String ln, String pf,
>>Attributes a, DeserializationContext ctx ) throws SAXException
>>  {
>>    handler = (BeanDeserializer) someXmlType.getDeserializer("",
>>SomeXmlType.class, SomeXmlType.getTypeDesc().getXmlType() );
>>    return handler;
>>  }
>>  public SomeXmlType getValue()
>>  {
>>    return (SomeXmlType) handler.getValue();
>>  }
>>Use it like this:
>>public SomeXmlType parse( InputSource is )
>>  MessageContext mctx = new MessageContext( new AxisClient() );
>>  DeserializationContext dctx = new DeserializationContext( is, mctx,
>>  SomeXmlTypeBuilder b = new SomeXmlTypeBuilder();
>>  dctx.replaceElementHandler( b );
>>  dctx.parse();
>>  return b.getValue();
>>Kevin Ruland wrote:
>>>Hi all,
>>>I'd like to use the generated xsd bindings to serialize/deserialize my
>>>classes to regular old xml files.  I've tried hacking this together in
>>>the past but never really got very far.  Does anybody have some sample
>>>code for me?
>Davanum Srinivas : http://wso2.com/blogs/

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