Hi Tim,

I think my problem discussed on the title "wsdl2java does not generate class-files for complexTypes" seems to be the same as yours. Try the --wrapArrays (-w) option when generating the sources.


Tim R J Langford schrieb:

Hello All,

I am upgrading some SOAP clients from Axis 1.2 to Axis 1.3 Final. One of them upgraded with little effort, just some changes to the code that processed the new bean convention style generate by WSDL2Java. The other project is proving very troublesome however.

#1 : Firstly the schema beans appear NOT to generate properly. For example the following Schema section :

     <s:complexType name="RoomStayCandidateType">
<s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="GuestCounts" type="s1:GuestCountType" /> <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="RoomAmenity" type="s1:RoomAmenityPrefType" />
       <s:attribute name="RoomType" type="s:string" />
       <s:attribute name="RoomTypeCode" type="s:string" />
       <s:attribute name="Quantity" type="s:positiveInteger" />
       <s:attribute name="Composite" type="s:boolean" />
     <s:complexType name="GuestCountType">
<s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="GuestCount" type="s1:GuestCountTypeGuestCount" />
       <s:attribute name="IsPerRoom" type="s:boolean" />
     <s:complexType name="GuestCountTypeGuestCount">
       <s:attribute name="AgeQualifyingCode" type="s:string" />
       <s:attribute name="Age" type="s:nonNegativeInteger" />
       <s:attribute name="Count" type="s:positiveInteger" />

But here WSDL2Java enerates a "RoomStayCandidateType" object that contains an array of "GuestCountTypeGuestCount" objects as a member. It does not generate a GuestCountType at all. This of course breaks the service. The old version of WSDL2Java generated all these classes as was to be expected, and only messed up setting the action type on one of the services (whihc was easilly fixed with a code post processor). I assume this is a bug. The schema seems valid to me.

#2 : Another problem occured in the generated source where a constructor was created thats calls Object.super() as follows...

public class VendorMessageType  implements java.io.Serializable {
   private java.lang.String infoType;  // attribute

private org.opentravel.www.OTA._2003._05.FormattedTextSubSectionTypeParagraph[][] formattedTextType; // attribute

   public VendorMessageType() {

   public VendorMessageType(
org.opentravel.www.OTA._2003._05.FormattedTextSubSectionTypeParagraph[][] param1,
          java.lang.String Title,
          org.apache.axis.types.Language Language,
          java.lang.String infoType) {
       this.Language = Language;
       this.infoType = infoType;




When I searched the mailing list I noticed a few possibly similar questions to this, but no reponse I could act on. Is there any possibility of fixing these problems? If not is there any method of fixing/altering the generated source form the old version of Axis WSDL2Java to work with new 1.3 library? For example could I code to the correctly generated old 1.1 SOAP beans to get them to work with 1.3?

Thanks very much for your help and time! This has become a real show stopper, and I got deadlines and a crazy boss!



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