i've found (the hard way) that putting your objects before your XML when
writing web services makes for more problems than it solves (and tends to
produce very inefficient XML, especially if you go with a non-encoded
(literal) approach).  i found it much easier and more efficient in general to
think about the API operations, then the XML to the API, write the WSDL, let
Axis generate the objects, then write code to map those objects into any other
object model(s) i might have on the client and/or server sides.  much simpler
(and possibly more efficient) than trying to write custom
serializers/deserializers to map pre-existing objects into XML (especially if
that XML is substantially different from the original object).

just my $0.02 worth...

when something is missing in an open source project perhaps that thing is your
contribution. :)

> I don't know how. I imagine a world where I can put a little @required
> annotation next to a property in my pojo. The java2wsdl would recognize this
> and produce the correct schema. Forgive me, I'm still getting a handle on
> SOAP. Maybe I've got pie in the sky hopes. I've gotten used to working with
> (what I've found to be) highly productive frameworks like ejb3, spring, and
> tapestry. I feel like something is missing here. I will hand code this stuff
> if I have to, but this solution has improvement written all over it. I've
> looked around a little bit (http://ws.apache.org/axis/java/releases.html,
> for example) and I don't see any roadmap for these type of conveniences.
> Are there any plans to ease our burdens?
> On 11/22/05, Ron Reynolds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> AH!  that's backwards from the way i build my services.  sorry, dunno
>> that one - how WOULD Java2WSDL be able to tell that a field is required
>> vs optional?  it seems to use primitives for required fields,
>> object-wrappers for optional.  but i'm not sure if it works in reverse.
>> good luck.
>> Todd Orr wrote:
>> > I'm trying to produce wsdl's from my service pojos. How do I specify
>> > which properties are mandatory so that when the java2wsdl runs the
>> > schema will be correct?
>> >

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