Here is what I've done :

I'm using a map to store attributes values during child processing, and build deserialized object on element end. Is there a "cleaner" method ?

public class SiteBaseKeyDeserializer extends DeserializerImpl
   private Map values = new HashMap();

public SOAPHandler onStartChild(String namespace, final String localName, String prefix, Attributes attributes, DeserializationContext context) throws SAXException { return new SimpleDeserializer(String.class, new QName("soapenc:string")) {
           public Object makeValue(String source) throws Exception {
               Object object = super.makeValue(source);
               values.put(localName, object);
               return object;

public void onEndElement(String namespace, String localName, DeserializationContext context) throws SAXException {
       String idSite = (String) values.get("idSite");
       value = new SiteBase.Key(idSite);


Nicolas De Loof a écrit :


I'm trying to setup a BeanDeserializer for a non-javabean compliant object : it's properties are read-only and have to be set using constructor

public class Key{
   public Key(String id, String code) { id; this.code= code;}

   pulic getId() {.}
   public getCode() {.}

This object is a business Key and is immutable, but has to be used in a web service.

Extending DeserializerImpl, I can override onStartChild ands use a basic Deserializer for every String attribute, but how to retrieves values in onEndElement ?

Can someone tell me how to setup a BeanDeserializer for this ?


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