Hi, Axis community,


I have got a lot help from the community in the past few months. Thanks a lot for the community.


I tried to deploy a test web service using Axis, and I have successfully deployed my web service at here:



I can use WSDL2Java to generate the stub class and run the web service in this way. However the generated files are put into folders like this:


Also, I get a package Amazon like this:

package _209._234._207._137.axis.services.Amazon;


But I didn’t deploy my service as a package like this in the very beginning. This is my wsdd:


<deployment xmlns="http://xml.apache.org/axis/wsdd/" xmlns:java="http://xml.apache.org/axis/wsdd/providers/java">

    <service name="Amazon" provider="java:RPC">

        <parameter name="className" value="services.amazon.Amazon"/>

        <parameter name="allowedMethods" value="*"/>

        <beanMapping qname="myNS:AmazonBook" xmlns:myNS="urn:Amazon" languageSpecificType="java:services.amazon.AmazonBook"/>




I have 2 classes: AmazonBook and Amazon, and I put them into a package services.amazon.* .


I don’t know why WSDL2Java will generate the corresponding java code in a package like this:

package _209._234._207._137.axis.services.Amazon


Is there anything wrong in my deployment? You can try WSDL2Java tool to generate the java codes, and you will see what I got.

Thank you very much.



Chang Zhou

Graduate Student

University of Windsor

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