Hi Guenther,

thank you for this, you are right, the onFault of my requestFlow Handler is called. I thought the onFault is just called if an exception is thrown in one of the handlers executed in the requestFlow but in the service implementation?

Did you ever realize an exception handling like this? Is it possible to get the thrown Exception from the MessageContext or do I have to read the SOAPFault from the ResponseMessage and collect the data I need to identify what is thrown?


Grossberger, Guenter schrieb:

Hi, Christian!

Yo're on the right track. But only the onFault handlers in the request
flow are called. I don't know why exactly but that's how it works. So
you need to configure your exception handler in the global request flow
and implement the onFault method.


-----Original Message-----
From: Christian Schmitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2005 2:39 PM
To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
Subject: How to make a global Exception-Handling?


I have a service with some methods and I want to have a central point toirealize the exception handling. Something like a global try-catch block. Is it possible?

Are there any Best Practices to realize exception-handling with axis web services?

I tried to write a handler which should transform all thrown exceptions in my service methods to an exception defined in my wsdl. My service is configured to use this handler in the responseFlow, but neither the "invoke"-method nor the "onFault"-method is called.



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