is it literal or rpc-encoded?  my guess is rpc-encoded and everything i've
read (including the WS-I Basic Profile 1.1) says "don't use rpc-encoding -
only literal encoding", especially if you want to have a chance at .NET/Java
> Hi!
> I'm just getting started modyfying wsdl, but I have limited knowledge of the
> java2wsdl tool and I'm not sure I'm using it in the right way.
> The wsdl I'm using works fine when calling axis web services using java
> clients, but fails in .net when I call methods that return string[].
> I'm not sure how I should use java2wsdl, nor how to tweak the wsdl so that
> .net clients can call methods returning String arrays.
> Could anyone please point me to some good wsdl documentation or tell me how
> I'm supposed to use java2wsdl to generate .net compliant wsdls?
> Thanks!
> Stefan

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