I could give an example using arrays, but it'd have to be for 'rpc encoded' 
style wsdl - haven't got to arrays with doc / lit yet. 


Em Terça 13 Dezembro 2005 00:57, o Helcio Wagner escreveu:
>       Hi, Chris!
> > *Complex* types are supported (I use them a lot). Vectors, Lists, etc.
> > should probably not be used as they pose interoperability problems with
> > other clients. Use arrays to have the best chance of getting your WSDL
> > to work reliably
>       May you point to any example that uses *Complex* types, followed by a
> set of instructions related to its deployment and its consuming by a
> Client?
>       I am a newbye in Axis and I am facing a problem with using of *Complex*
> types, more accurately the type shown below:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  <complexType name="System">
>     <sequence>
>      <element name="sysDescr" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
>      <element name="sysUpTime" type="xsd:long"/>
>      <element name="sysContact" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
>      <element name="sysName" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
>      <element name="sysLocation" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
>     </sequence>
>    </complexType>
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>       Kindest regards.
>       Helcio Wagner.

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