Also, how would you version the services now? I used to be able to create a separate war with a different url-pattern based on version. Now that services are deployed under one war, how can I differentiate?

On 12/14/05, Todd Orr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Also, how do you share global objects now? I used to be able to create an entire war and share any objects I needed to. Now that the services are in individual aar files, where do I put the shared objects?

On 12/14/05, Todd Orr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The changes in the deployment options from Axis1 to Axis2 are very disruptive. The web admin for uploading new services is nice for testing, but makes my company's deployment scripts useless. The fact that the aar files need to be placed in the exploded axis2 war's services directory makes deployment a real pain. Axis1 was very simple and easy to use since it was only a regular webapp. I've been reading through the docs, and I do not see any other deployment options. Has anyone found any better ways to deploy axis2 services?

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