iksrazal wrote:
Em Terça 27 Dezembro 2005 15:57, o alon cohen escreveu:
i'm new to axis2 and i tried to fallow the example of the user guide, using
wsdl2java iv'e created the skeleton and the stab from the
axis2SampleDoclit.wsdl I made the aar and deployed the service. The service
was shown inside available services. Then I tried to run the stab and got
the exception…
I'm can't show the errors, because my computer is off the internet.
The error happens in the post dispatch…
For the service to work I copied the service url shown inside the erp.
It claims that he can't find the service…
I have some questions…
1.       how can I know which services the client can see?

Try http://localhost:8080/axis2/listServices 

2.      2.  is there a set of commands that can pull the services names and
theirs  erp? 


Options options = stub._getClientOptions();
I don't think this will do. But when you go to http://<ypurIP>:<yourPort>/axis2/listServices, you can see the list of services available, there EPRs (nor ERP ;-) ) and the operations.
3.       3. how can I create the client without all the data 

Maybe I misunderstand your question. There are 3 or 4 examples without data 
binding, ie the callback one for example. 
Well, just look at the test cases we have written, the best one being the EchoRawXMLTest. There we haven't use data binding at all, but you need to work with AXIOM. If you have any questions on this feel free to post it here.

This is the code to invoke a service w/o data binding.

OMElement payload; // create your payload here.

        Call call =
                new Call(clientHome); // client home is where Axis2 will look for modules and Axis2.xml.

        Options options = new Options();
        options.setTo(targetEPR); // target epr is listed in listServices page of Axis2 web admin

        OMElement result =
                call.invokeBlocking(operationName, payload);
       // process your result here
4.       4. which parameters are required in the client options  
just to  identify the service with out  sending   an operation? 

Just set options.setTo(). This will identify the service.
If the wsdl is correct and is packaged correctly, none are theoretically 
needed. I say 'theoretically' because the .93 release had a bug - since fixed 
- where you may need to do a 'options.setAction("yourAction")'  that matches 
the soapAction for your operation. 

See this tutorial which may help: 


Any other 
info will be very helpful.
I read   the user guide and the architect guide, but there was no real info
on this. Thanks,


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