thank you ajith...

I need to clarify what I understand and what I don't…


I understand that the option.setAction is meant to find the operation, not the service. My problem is, that I don't find the service though I copied the end point from the available service list.


There is a class called  *dispatching checker*  that in server side works in the post-dispatch phaze and it's job is to check if the msgContext.getAxisService is not null and if it’s  not null it check for operation!


What's trouble me is : how can I debug my server side and  see the incoming call class and message context.


My next try was creating a new service, based on other example (the calculator). that example didn't use any declaration   of soap action, and declared the operation inside the OM building. Iv'e checked carefully that the name spaces and the qname are the same – and still iv'e got service not found (not the operation)

It also, as I recall didn't created mesageContext…



Any help and light will be most welcome!


Thanks, all



From:  Ajith Ranabahu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:  Re: [axis2] service not found erp!!!
Date:  Thu, 29 Dec 2005 12:18:12 +0600

Hi Alon,
The reason is that the Axis2 system uses the SOAPAction to find the
service on the server side. As soon as the SOAP action went missing ,
the service would  not be found!
If you look inside the generated  message receiver code, you'll see what I mean.
The problem with just filling out what the code generator generated
code may not solve the problem because the old client options code had
a bug in delegating. So you should modify the code NOT to have a parent
options passed in and then set the SOAPAction.


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