I cannot answer whether or not a cell phone has the power to efficiently generate proxy classes on demand or not. It really depends on what the specs of the cell phone are.
I do, however, know that on demand generation of proxy classes is possible. I have never done it myself, but there is a tool floating around called Web Service Studio that can be used for testing web services. The tool was produced by a Microsoft engineer and was written in C# (so the language syntax should be familiar to you as a Java developer) If you are willing to download it, the code is also given and it may help you to see the process involved.
The binaries and source are available from:
Best of luck to you,

Helcio Wagner da Silva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Gentlemen, good morning.

I used successfully the Apache Axis in order to create a Web Service and a
Client for it. Both applications were created and deployed in PCs using
Java. In order to generate the proxy to the Web Service, I used the
wsdl2java tool. That was okay. Now, I have a little question to you
related to utilization of a Web Service by a Client installed in a cell
phone. Help me, please.

Let's supose I want to use a Web Service installed in a PC located in a
remote location from my cell phone. Let's supose I have the WSDL file
related to that Web Service as well. How can I generate the proxy to the
Web Service from its WSDL file in deployment time? Is it possible to
perform t hat on-demand procedure using Apache Axis or another product?

I am investigating how to use Web Services from a cell phone (or a PDA, or
another low computational power device). I know some conceptual
requirements to make that utilization possible. One of them is the
presence of a piece of software capable to send and receive SOAP (or
XML-RPC) messages. This piece of software is the proxy to the Web Service,
right? If a have a set of proxies installed in the cell phone related to
pre-defined Web Services, there is no problems. But, if I want to use a
new Web Services, I must follow two steps:

1. Obtain its related WSDL file;
2. convert that WSDL file in a proxy.

The step 1 must be accomplished with aid of a UDDI registry (by the way,
can I use a UDDI registry using the Apache Axis API?);

The step 2 brings me some questions. First: is it possible to perform that
on-demand conversion ? More accurately, Is it possible to per form it IN A
CELL PHONE ? Second: what is the burden imposed by that computational
power consuming task ?

My apologize for the long message, gentlemen. Any help will be welcome.
Thanks in advance.

H. Wagner

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