We've got two different webservices that we want to be able to call with 
clients generated by Axis 1.3, and use slightly different handlers for each 
(but with more than one request handler in each case ). Because it is likely 
that "two" will change over time, I'd like to make each client's handler chain 
independent. What's the best way to do that?

Some experimentation leads me to believe that Axis can find a 
"client-config.wsdd" anywhere in the classpath. Trying to decipher the source 
leads me to believe that I could set a configuration property on each service 
to specify the name of that file, but I'm in a fog about the details. That 
would be my preferred option, because the client for each service could use a 
uniquely named ( or located, and have the configuration specify the package  ) 
config file. How?

I also see a getHandlerRegistry().getHandlerChain() - which makes sense to me 
from similar work with WebLogic's SOAP tools, but it isn't clear how the 
org.apache.axis.handlers.BasicHandler maps to the handlers those tools work 
with. Can someone explain?

Finally, there is a service element available for the .wsdd ( in 
http://wiki.apache.org/ws/FrontPage/Axis/WSDDReferences/WSDD_XSD  ) that 
appears to be parallel to the <globalConfiguration> we use now, but the 
documentation seems to suggest that it is for use server-side, rather than for 
a client that is going to be using the specified Service. Am I misunderstanding?

Thanks for your time,
George McKinney

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