I noticed that the code generator WSDL2Java for Axis can't take some of the allowable syntax in WSDL 1.1.

In WSDL 1.1. spec, the "type" is allowed in a message body:

  <message name="GetItemByIdRequest">
    <part name="GetItemByIdParam" type="xs:string"/>

However, WSDL2Java throws NullPointerException on this. I had to define an element ItemId of "xs:string" in the <wsdl:types> section, then use that element instead.

Are there any other non-supported features in WSDL 1.1. that we should be aware of ??

BTW, another suggestion is if the code generator could be made more intelligent, that it'll report the specific syntax error on the line of the WSDL, that'll make our life a whole lot easier.  Making WSDL 2 Java generation work and compilable is a very demanding and painful job.



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