Hi Ted;

I dont think maven war goal will fail now , there was a bug and we have
fixed that , try and see :)


>Wow, Deepal this was realy one of the quickest replys
>I got! So I'll try to build the source but since some
>days I've problems to do this successfuly. Can you
>please give me a hint to build the *.war without
>running into an build failure.
>Thanks a lot
>--- Deepal Jayasinghe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
>>I understood the problem , and I just fixed that :)
>>if you can get Axis2 source update , then you will
>>be able to get the
>>correct behavior , and you do not need to send the
>>service group id , if
>>you deploy the service in application scope.
>>>Hi Deepal,
>>>first at all, thanks for your reply. Okay, I'll try
>>>clarify the 'it does not work'. To test this
>>>feature for the 0.94 release I used a simple
>>>which increases an integer value at every call and
>>>returns this value. After deployment under the
>>><service scope="application">-setting it does not
>>>wich means it returns for every request a '1' but
>>>should be for 3 request '1','2','3'...
>>>The only way to get this behavior is to deploy the
>>>service with the scope="transport" setting.
>>>You said that there is a usage of a service group
>>>for the intern handling of some of this scope
>>>Does this mean, that I've to deploy my single
>>>Countservice as a service group to get all the
>>>features to work?
>>>Thanks Ted
>>>--- Deepal Jayasinghe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>Hi Ted;
>>>what do u mean by that does not work ? , I
>>>changed scope
>>>handling , and I hope that should work.
>>>and that work as follows ,
>>>  1. If you deploy a service under the scope
>>>"request" , then there
>>>wont be any sessions management even if you send
>>>service group ID
>>>back (we mange session using ServiceGroup ID)
>>>  2. If you deploy a service in the transport
>>>session scope , then the
>>>there will be session management using transport
>>>cookies and there
>>>will be only one instance of service impl class
>>>that transport
>>> 3. If you deploy a service in scope of SOAP
>>>then you can
>>>manage session using ServiceGroupID , but that
>>>session will be removed
>>>from the system if you did not touch the session
>>>about 30s. (there
>>>will be only one instance of the service impl for
>>>that session)
>>>4. If you deploy service in application scope then
>>>one can manage a
>>>session using servicegroupID throughout the life
>>>time of the
>>>system.(there will be only one instance of the
>>>service impl for that
>>>and can you pls clarify what do you mean by it
>>>not work , so that
>>>I can fix that
>>>>trying to deploy some services under the use of
>>>>attribute scope="application" at the
>>>>services.xml, I noticed that this setting of the
>>>>doesn't work in Axis2 0.94. The only correct
>>>>scope is the scope="transport". Are there any
>>>>bugs? I thought that this application scope
>>>>worked well, using release 0.93...
>>>>Thanks Ted
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