Michael, could you post your stackTrace when calling the axisServlet? I don't often work directly with the servlet. If its not obvious from the stackTrace, it may help explaining when and why your calling it.

BTW, you have looked at the user guide doing async operations via CallbackHandler, right? That may just be 'good enough' , depending on what you need.


On 2/10/06, Michael Laccetti [c] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I run axis2 in a few web applications - hibernate, struts,
> spring etc. Its just a matter of having the modules and
> services directory, along with axis2.xml, under your apps
> WEB-INF. You'll also need to add the relevant parts from the
> axis2.war web.xml into your apps web.xml .  If you want to
> use the axis2 jsp's - like listServices - you need those
> jsp's at the root of your apps war.

I have tried that, but when I try to access the Axis2 servlet I get a null
pointer - specifically about a string index out of bounds [-1].  I can
provide the full exception if it will help.

> This is something that could be documented - lets see what we
> can come up with. In the mean time, feel free to ask.
> The JMS transport is something I haven't tried yet - but
> would like to. I mostly use JMS as OpenJMS in tomcat, or with
> JBoss. In the meantime, if someone has the JMS transport
> working in a app and would like to document it
> - file a jira and if its good it will probably be accepted.

I'm trying to build both synchronous and asynchronous services, hence the
need for JMS.  I'm using ActiveMQ with Geronimo, and that part has been
validated to work.  I guess the most important question is to that of
configuration - do I need to hardcode it in axis2.xml, can it be done in
another configuration file, or programmatically?


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