
Thank you for your help.  What is "doc / lit" if you don't mind me
asking?  Also, are you using the auto-generated wsdl files from the
axis2 primary API's or are you creating a WSDL and generating Java code
from that?

My WSDL file is auto-generated by Axis2, so I don't know how much
control I have over editing the WSDL file.

Thank you,
Paul Lessard

-----Original Message-----
From: robert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2006 12:50 PM
Subject: Re: Axis2 interoperability with .Net

I do have some axis2 web services and web services clients between java
net, so it is possible. 

You using doc / lit - good. 

Try the 'free as in beer' soa editor from cape clear - it found 5 errors
;-) . 


Em Segunda 13 Fevereiro 2006 16:35, o Lessard, Paul escreveu:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to use the wsdl.exe prog provided by the .Net SDK and I'm
> getting some errors.  Looking through past posts, this doesn't seem to
> be the "tn1" name problem that others had.  The error I'm getting is
> following:
> Schema validation warning: The required attribute 'name' is missing.
> Schema validation warning: For element declaration either the name or
> the ref attribute must be present.
> Schema validation warning: The required attribute 'name' is missing.
> Schema validation warning: For element declaration either the name or
> the ref attribute must be present.
> Warning: Schema could not be validated. Class generation may fail or
> produce incorrect results.
> Error: Unable to import binding 'AdmitToDplBinding' from namespace
> 'http://org.apache.axis2/'.
>   - Unable to import operation 'admitToDpl'.
>   - The element 'http://org.apache.axis2/xsd:admitToDplRequest' is
> missing.
> I'm just starting out in Web Services, so I'm not very familiar with
> WSDL files.   Having said that, here is the auto-generated WSDL from
> Axis2 (sorry it isn't spaced out nicely):
> <wsdl:definitions xmlns:ns1="http://org.apache.axis2/xsd";
> xmlns:xs="";
> xmlns:soap="";
> xmlns:wsdl="";
> xmlns:tns="http://org.apache.axis2/";
> targetNamespace="http://org.apache.axis2/";><wsdl:types><xs:schema
> xmlns:xs="";
> xmlns:ns2="";
> xmlns:ns0="";
> xmlns:ns1="";
> ns1:elementFormDefault="qualified"
> ns0:attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
> ns2:targetNamespace="http://org.apache.axis2/xsd";>
> <xs:element ns0:name="processDictaphoneRequest">
> <xs:complexType>
> <xs:sequence>
> <xs:element ns0:name="param0" ns1:type="xs:anyType" />
> </xs:sequence>
> </xs:complexType>
> </xs:element>
> <xs:element ns0:name="processDictaphoneResponse">
> <xs:complexType>
> <xs:sequence>
> <xs:element ns0:name="return" ns1:type="xs:anyType" />
> </xs:sequence>
> </xs:complexType>
> </xs:element>
> </xs:schema></wsdl:types><wsdl:message
> name="processDictaphoneResponseMessage"><wsdl:part name="part1"
> element="ns1:processDictaphoneResponse" /></wsdl:message><wsdl:message
> name="processDictaphoneRequestMessage"><wsdl:part name="part1"
> element="ns1:processDictaphoneRequest" /></wsdl:message><wsdl:portType
> name="DictaphonePort"><wsdl:operation
> name="processDictaphone"><wsdl:input
> message="tns:processDictaphoneRequestMessage" /><wsdl:output
> message="tns:processDictaphoneResponseMessage"
> /></wsdl:operation></wsdl:portType><wsdl:binding
> name="DictaphoneBinding" type="tns:DictaphonePort"><soap:binding
> transport=""; style="document"
> /><wsdl:operation name="processDictaphone"><soap:operation
> name="operation" soapAction="processDictaphone" style="document"
> /><wsdl:input><soap:body use="literal"
> namespace="";
> /></wsdl:input><wsdl:output><soap:body use="literal"
> namespace="";
> /></wsdl:output></wsdl:operation></wsdl:binding><wsdl:service
> name="Dictaphone"><wsdl:port name="DictaphonePortType"
> binding="tns:DictaphoneBinding"><soap:address
> location="";
> /></wsdl:port></wsdl:service></wsdl:definitions>
> Anybody have any ideas?  It's probably something blindingly obvious,
> as said, I'm quite new to Web Services.
> Thank you,
> Paul Lessard


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