I see why, WSDL2Java will not generate a 'wrapped' style service if my complexType has attributes.

Does anyone know *why* that is?  What is the difference between an attribute and an element that only may have a single occurance?

On 2/14/06, Scott McCoy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The attached WSDL and XSD are giving me this method signature.

public class AccountSOAPBindingImpl implements tufte.model.service.account.Accou
    public void createAccount(tufte.model.service.account.holders.AccountHolder account) throws java.rmi.RemoteException {
    public void updateAccount(tufte.model.service.account.holders.AccountHolder account) throws java.rmi.RemoteException {


I'm expecting:

public void updateAccount(tufte.model.service.account.Account account) throws java.rmi.RemoteException { }

Not this.

Scott S. McCoy

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