Is there a way I can create a EngineConfiguration object based on the
client config file for Axis. I do not want to set the system property
-Daxis.ClientConfigFile as that will not work well for me in a
multithreaded environment where multiple instances of Web service client
are trying to invoke different Web Services - each of the client instances
have their own Service and Call object [using DII]. If I can create the
EngineConfiguration instance based on the client config wsdd file then I do
not need to set the system property and each of the client instances can
have their own config [EngineConfiguration instance]

----- Forwarded by Anamitra Bhattacharyya/MRO on 02/15/2006 09:27 AM -----
             Werner Dittmann                                               
             t-online.de>                                               To 
                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]      
             02/15/2006 03:39                                           cc 
             AM                        wss4j-dev@ws.apache.org             
                                       Re: client_config.wsdd and          


IMHO this is a question to the Axis user / Axis dev list because it's
a generic Axis question. How to deal with config files is not a
WSS4J specific problem.

Can you pls resend the question to the Axis user mailing list?.


> Hi
> I have tried and tested various ways of using wss4j in the client - both
> programmatically and the configuration way. When doing it
> I have used
> EngineConfiguration clientConfig=createClientConfig(username, password);
>         service.setEngineConfiguration(clientConfig);
>         service.setEngine(new AxisClient(clientConfig));
> And while doing the config way I have used the -Daxis.ClientConfigFile.
> Doing it the config way seems easier and flexible and my client code
> clean. But unfortunately setting the system proerty does not work well in
> multi threaded env where multiple such client instances [which have their
> own Service and Call object - am using DII] are trying to invoke ws
> security enabled  Web services. So here the question------------------
> Is there any way [fine if I have to use axis specific libs] that given a
> client config file I can programmatically create the EngineConfiguration
> instance? If I can do that I am home free as then I am using the best of
> both worlds.
> Any api suggestions is welcome - the whole point is --- How to generate
> EngineConfiguration  from a client config file without really having to
> understand whats there in the file.
> thanks
> Anamitra
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