Hi Andreas, see below: 

Em Quinta 16 Fevereiro 2006 11:40, o Andreas Bohnert escreveu:
> hello,
> I have downloaded 0.94, have had a look at the documentation and the
> samples, but I have still a couple of questions and I hope the axis
> community can help me out:
> 1.) Axis2SampleDocLit seems to be an example for document literal, so
> why are the operations (echoString, echoStringArray..) inside the wsdl
> are type rpc?

Do search for Axis2SampleDocLit.wsdl and you'll find that it is indeed rpc / 
lit. You can find a simple doc / lit example in the code generation guide - 
showing how to use ant with wsdl2java. 

> 2.) My webservice client has to be independant from further changes to
> the wsdl. That means: if I do enhance my webservice and change the wsdl
> (e.g.: add fields to a complex type structure) my client should still
> run without modifications ( get the content minus the new fields)
> Is that possible or do I get deserialization errors then (because the
> complex type has changend)?

This question comes up a lot recently. First, AFAIK you won't see the axis 1.x 
deserialization errors in axis2. As far as not syncing changes, I myself 
haven't found a compelling reason to not sync changes and so I haven't tried 
it. However, what you could do is trying to define your new elements as: 

element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"

And see what that does, ie, not syncing the changes. And let us know. 

> 3.) the best thing for me would be, if I'm able to deal with the soap
> body entries directly. it seems to be easy to iterate through the
> entries and get what I want. so I would not run into the problems I
> descriped in 2.)
> a.) is there a technique for doing so?

You can implement handlers to access the bodies and access all the elements, 
but I don't see how it solves your problem. If you have fewer fields arriving 
from the client because it hasn't been synced, how does modifying the body 
help you? Maybe I misunderstand the question. 

> b.) how can I do this with axis or shouldn't I use axis in this case?

There's probably an easier way. 

> I'm really thankfull for any advices!!
> andreas


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