You can change the instance instantiation mode with WSDL2Java's --deployScope option.


Prashanth.S wrote:
smashing!! That gave me a real good idea..Now using what you have
said,i can use HTTPSession for stateness of application and use
stateless session ejbs...

By the way,i see init() and destroy() methods being called for every
RPC method even when i set sessions/use sesions on client/server
end.. Is it a normal behaviour[which means that for every new rpc
request,jax-rpc runtime will be instantiating a new instance of
service endpoint interface]

Thanks Again Prashanth

Dies Koper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hello Prashanth,

Let your impl file implement the javax.xml.rpc.server.ServiceLifeycle
interface. Cast the object that gets passed to the init method to javax.xml.rpc.server.ServletEndpointContext. In your business
methods, use its getHttpSession() method to get to the HTTP session
object associated with the client's method call. (see JAX-RPC1.1 spec
section 10.1 for details.)

Hope that helps, Dies

prashanth shivakumar wrote:
Hi Cyrille/robert,

Thanks for your response!! There is nothing called
"MessageContext.getCurrentContext()" in websphere soap engine!! Its
only there in axis webservice engine.Dont know the reason.Therssomething called MessageContext.getCurrentThreadsContext() in one of the
MessageContext classes[I say one because i found out 3 different
MessageContext classes]

I too got stuck into the problem of statefull/stateless webservices
and after analysing a lot decided to go with "stateless session
bean with maintaining state in HTTPSession object".

If i go with POJO[simple stupid java beans],hows session
maintainence being done there??How does it do session
tracking??does it use cookies to do that??[jsessionID ??]

Many Thanks Prashanth

On 2/14/06, Cyrille Le Clerc wrote:
Hi Prashanth ,

It is strange to use stateless ejb for a stateful web service?

Can you go stateful ? Do you really need ejbs ? Otherwise, simple
 stupid java beans will gracefully do the job. Syntax will look
like a simple "MessageContext.getProperty()" or something like
this that will rely on the HttpSession ; I couldn't find
Websphere SOAP library documentation to check.



On 2/14/06, prashanth shivakumar <
Hi Cyrille, Thanks for your response. SInce iam using ejb
endpoint[stateless session EJB] for webservice
implementation using ibm websphere,how can i get hold of
MessageContext on the server end inside stateless session bean??
Many Thanks

On 2/13/06, Cyrille Le Clerc wrote:
Hello Prashanth,

After your invocation, you have to play with "binding._getCall().getMessageContext()" and then get
properties " HTTPConstants.HEADER_COOKIE" and "

Here is a sample : TestSessionBindingStub binding =
(TestSessionBindingStub) new testSessionServiceLocator().gettestSessionBinding(); binding.setMaintainSession(true);

// invoke remote operation String result = binding.aMethod();

MessageContext messageContext =
String cookie1 = (String) messageContext.getProperty(HTTPConstants.HEADER_COOKIE); String cookie2 = (String) messageContext.getProperty(HTTPConstants.HEADER_COOKIE2); System.out.println("cookie1=" + cookie1); System.out.println
("cookie2=" + cookie2);

Hope this helps,



On 2/7/06, prashanth shivakumar

Hello All, Is there any way wherein i can extract cookies
from MessageContext
inside custom MessageHandler.
I tried using msgContext.getProperty ("Cookie"); but it
returns NULL Yes..I did set up sessions on both
client/server and can see cookie
passing between client/server and viceversa
Many Thanks

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